Saturday, July 5, 2008

Freedom Day...

Happy 4th of July (ok, so i'm a day late...)  That's a good problem for me because i was actually busy!  i was taking care of things at work and then i celebrated with family!  To begin the day, i stopped down stairs and got my triple shot iced redeye.  Then, i headed down to the office to check e-mail for answers one of our customers needed.  After responding, i headed to begin my July 4th preparations...i went to K-mart and bought a baby pool (for dipping our feet) and some festive plates.  Then, i went w/ my Dad to get groceries.  Have you ever noticed that when you try to take the "simple way" it seems that you spend the most money?  By the time we got back to my apartment, it was time to start the grill.  i went to pick up my grandmother and some tea from Mickey D's...When we got back to the apartment, my other grandparents had arrived.  We all hung out while Dad and Pop cooked the burgers (and my Portabella).  After we finished, we sat on the deck w/ Mollie and talked.  By 9 o'clock everyone left and Mollie and i sat and searched for free samples of fireworks (sucks being poor).  We saw a few, but mainly heard them from the opposite direction (which we were unable to see).  We ended up watching "Harry Potter" (and the Sorceror's Stone), which satisfied me.  So, that's my's a pretty uneventful day, but it was my day and hey, i had fun!


Lindsey Broere said...

Good times :-)

Its sounds like you had a perfect 4th....complete with the Harry Potter ending.

Lindsey Broere said...

Maybe Thursday...yeah...Thursday. What time?

YAY finally my Whole Foods date :-)